Monday, 22 September 2014

Music SBA Guide

Collect 8 commercials          or
Create interview questions and conduct interview/ collect CD



ü Goddess of Love
The genre of this song is popular (love song).
There were five instruments used in this piece of music. They are:
a)     Electronic Piano- this is an electrophone which means it uses electricity.
b)    Bass Guitar- this is a chordophone which means it’s a string instrument.
c)     Strings – this is a chordophone with means it’s a string instrument.
d)    Drum Set- this is a membranophone which means the sound is produced by a stretched membrane.
e)     Electric Guitar- this is an electrophone which mean it uses electricity.
The texture of the song is polyphonic. This is because it produces many sound and voice.
The song Goddess of Love is sang and played lento (slowly). The term mezzo forte (which mean half loud or moderately loud) could also be used to describe this piece of music. It is played the key of C Major .The rhythm is simple duple (2/4) and it has a high pitch. The mood or expression of the song seem like if the singer is longing for romance, and a bit depressed.

First, there is an instrumental introduction, followed by the verse, then chorus and then a verse again. After the second verse is the chorus followed by a bridge, then the song is concluded with the singing of the chorus twice.

Socio-cultural Significance
This song is intended to emphasize the theme of love and to show a heartbroken person that longing for the love that he/she deserves. Also its intended for the pleasure of listening. This song targets people who have broken love and that cannot make their lover love them the way they love his/her lover.

Advertising is the means by which one party attempts to persuade or attract another into purchasing a particular manufactured goods or service. It differs from the sort of one-on-one sales pitch in which a person might encounter at the point of sale in that it addresses a larger, more general audience. These eight advertisements in which you would listen to, will show you step by step how it is analyzed through each section of the musical piece. Music can provide generally promotional goals in one or more of numerous capacities. For the purpose of this SBA, seven basic features are identified in which help to develop the music to an effective broadcast advertisement.

Musical Analysis
Almond Joy and Mounds:
The instruments used in this advertisement are bass guitar, acoustic guitar and vocals.

Rhythmic Features:
The metre heard in this advertisement is 4/4 time.  The motive development is Con Moto which means moving along briskly.

Melodic Features:
The tonality for this piece is a major. Also the main theme that stands out is the phrase or lyrics that say “sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t “. There is a melodic sequence because there is repetition at the beginning and also close to the end. The melody mainly moves by skip. At the beginning of the piece a female soloist sings the main theme “Sometimes you feel like a nut”  and backup vocals joins in singing “oohs” moving up by steps and “yeah yeah yeah” moving down by steps.

Harmonic Features:
The music begins with the acoustic guitar and the bass guitar playing in unison going from B to C which is the sub-dominant chord then from C sharp to D which is the dominant chord. For the first 4 notes played in the beginning of the piece is consonance because the two notes sound together and produce a concord. After this introduction the music cycles through the tonic chord sub-dominant chord and dominant chord. Towards the end of this piece The sequence used is the modulating sequence which occurs when there is a change of key throughout the song. The music changes key from G major to A major. The cadence for this advertisement ends with a perfect cadence which means that it consists of the dominant chord and has a sense of completion.
Formal structure:
The piece is strophic because each verse of text is set to the same music. The main theme also keeps reoccurring “sometimes you feel like a nut” this is called Rondo.

Textual features:
The instruments which are played in this advertisement are played in unison which means that it sound alike while the vocals in the beginning of the piece start in unison and end homophonic.

Expressive Features:
The tempo for this piece is allegretto which means fairly fast. This piece is mezzo forte (moderately loud) then approaching close to the end of the piece it becomes forte (loud). This song creates a happy mood. The articulation of this piece is legato (smooth).

The genre of this musical piece is country music which is a mixture of ballads and dance tunes played characteristically on fiddle instruments such as guitar.

Socio-cultural significance:
Almond Joy is a candy bar manufactured by Hershey’s. It consists of a coconut-based center topped with one or two almonds, the mixture enrobed in a layer of milk chocolate. This song is intended to highlight that the chocolate bar has both rich milk and nuts while mounds don’t. It also has a catchy main theme in which could be simply repeated.


  1. When are the questions for the interview going to be posted

  2. i did not resive the email with the sba

  3. i dont really uderstand whats this saying . because i was looking for an example and this didnt work .

  4. Dude the example simply means that you have to analyze the Dynamics rythm style Melody instrumentation tonality tempo timbre and harmony also stating why this song was sang for that advertisement (socio cultural significance) (;

  5. Any way thank you sdas music this really helped

  6. this was quite helpfu.. i was really having with my format and this really helped

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